Difficulty of the interationインタラクションの難易点 - Takeopiv

Difficulty of the interationインタラクションの難易点

I’m making interaction content. We don’t use touch panel or some input devices. I am aiming to simple interface and Everybody can do it and fun. We can control to 3D camera etc. So I have to create good composition and animation that can see 360 degrees… When I make an animation fim on the TV, we don’t warry to the behind of characters or set etc…
Now, My daughter Sola is checking it. She is dancing and is happy with it :)
今、娘の蒼空が、これまでの経過をチェック中 (内心ハラハラ、、、) 結果は手を挙げて喜んで踊っていますので、出だし好調です! 

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