ジョルジュ ブラック展George Braque exhibition at the Grand Palais - Takeopiv

ジョルジュ ブラック展George Braque exhibition at the Grand Palais


凄い作品数でした。でも、モチーフはギター、楽譜、ワイン、グラスとか同じものばかりでした(笑) 同じものを描きながら、キュービズムという手法を完成させてきたんでしょう。



I visited to George Braque exhibition at the Grand Palais in this week-end.
It was large scale solo show and wonderful exhibition.

I can not believe that he had drawn a picture of so many in his life.
He painted a picture of a lot, but the motif, was always the same as violion, music, wine bottle, glasses etc.
He would have established a cubism theory so as to draw many times the same

He was completed to pursue the theory… and few years ago, you will find him going freed from the spell of theory.
I was very fond of that era.

And posterity, he draws many birds. He became free. It seems to be trying to draw a picture of freedom at all.

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