ROSE 初プリクラ - Takeopiv

ROSE 初プリクラ

プリクラ ROSEプリクラ ROSEプリクラ ROSE
I am trying to do the Purikura (the shorten version of Print-Club which prints out a photo seal instantly) for the first time with my niece and my wife.
Same as all of young Japanese generation, my niece is a skilled operator of Purikura so I stay perfect pupil of her.
Early version of Prikura was just a little box of printer but now it has a shooting room and a editing room! It looks almost like a studio work! Specially the lighting….. that make everybody look beautiful.
今のプリクラって、撮影室と編集室が別れていて、まるでスタジオ・ワークですね。 しかもこのライティングは凄い! これで可愛く撮れるんですね。

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