逆ナン Reverse Nampa : wherein women try to pick up men - Takeopiv

逆ナン Reverse Nampa : wherein women try to pick up men

Nampa means Men pick up women on the street.
Revarse Nampa means the opposite, Women try to pick up men…

I have designed the ad. But I haven’t to made it to me.
So, we decided to put an ad in a free paper

Today, I met with the sales representative..
Advertising expenditures are higher than expected, I had a hard time to hide the face that was a little reluctant.

He said a moment later., “We will renew the magazine. could we are able to ask you the design?”
:) :) :) :) :) :) Yapiiii !


少したって担当の方から「で、ですね。誌面リニューアルをしたいんですけれど、デザインお願いできませんか?」と逆ナンされた〜 ;)


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