Wow we have only 5 days in this year ! I have a lot of things that were not able to be achieved. To achieve them in next 2009, let’s think slowly… while drinking hot lemon & honey with the strawberry mug. It is not persuasive…
The rock’n roll music is turning in the head. For example Guns N’ Roses..(too oooold)
To tell the truth, I like them. I wanted to be born slimming.
※Mug is gift from my honey
さて、今年も残すところ後5日! やり残した事を5日で実現は難しいけれど、来年以降、現実のものにしていく為に、ゆっくり考えよう~。とイチゴのマグカップで思索中。なんか説得力ないよ~。
頭の中ではロックンロールが回っている、例えば、Guns N’ Rosesとか、(古っ)