Le Chant de la Mer (Song of the Sea)海の唄 - Takeopiv

Le Chant de la Mer (Song of the Sea)海の唄

Le Chant de la Mer Poster
Le Chant de la Mer Poster
A Happy New Year 2015 !
I am spent in quiet and relaxing New Year with family. We after eating a traditional Japanese soup “O-zoni”, went to the cinema.
Of course, it is a movie for children ;)

Le Chant de la Mer (original title is “Song of the Sea”) is very beautiful animation film.
Story and based idea from Irish (Celts) mythology.
Obtained I was interested in graphics style background and character design.(Always fairly likely.)
I think it is best animation film in few years.

Many of the European animation artist are great influence to Japanese animation.
I was surprised when the heroine of the girl has been transformed into a Goma-chan(picture below) ;)

Le Chant de la Mer Poster
Le Chant de la Mer Poster
2015年、明けましておめでとうございます !
この年末年始は家族3人でゆっくりパリで過ごしています。お正月はお雑煮をいただいた後、ミッテラン図書館の横にある新しい子供むけの映画館まで、Le Chant de la Mer (オリジナルタイトル”Song of the Sea”)を観に行きました。

監督は、Tomm Mooreさんで、2本目の長編映画です。1本目のThe Secret of Kellsも、アイルランドのKellsという村が舞台です。


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