①②③ - Takeopiv



1. I am happy that I don’t even have a time to take breath after finishing one project.
I have gotten another project from someone I met by MIXI(some social networking site).
I have never seen this person, but this might be some kind of fate so I will do my best anyway!
2. I stayed up all night for finishing the work for this morning competition but the schedule is
postponed to Monday.
But I am very satisfied with the performance. It is quite cute.
3. The image above is the poster of I POD at the station. I have never seen format that big.

しかも、ミクシィで、お知り合いになって、まだお会いした事もないのに~。 まぁコレも縁ですので~~~がんばろう~。
ムムム+_+ムムム でも出来栄えには満足してます。 ちょっとかわいいです。
③写真はiPodの駅張りポスター。 今まで見たことも無いような、大きいフォーマットで貼ってます。 かっこよい。 

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