ブロードキャスト・タウン 南森町 - Takeopiv

ブロードキャスト・タウン 南森町

Minami-morimachi is located between Mainichi-television to the north and TV Osaka to the south.
There are many TV productions in this area.
I visited some of the TV productions with Director Mr. Matsunaga’s navigation.
The most impressive one was company A who imports an east europe art animation by president’s hobby. They have a gallery especially for this. (reservation is required!)
This kind of company who reflect some taste is very interesting.

中でも印象的だったのは、社長さんのご趣味で東欧のアートアニメーションを輸入されているA社様。社内に専用のギャラリーも構えられております。 (ご訪問は要予約)

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