CousCousCous クスクスクス - Takeopiv

CousCousCous クスクスクス

I ate dinner with 4 photographers(with 1 their manager) from Japan. I was troubled to choose which type of restaurant that they will be glad. Fashionable or Cheap or Amusiong…
We ate north African dishes ‘Couscous‘ at the restaurant where is flies were crawling all over it… The oriental dessert are too sweet. But taste of Couscous is No.1 !
It was cute because they take the photo with big camera in eating. I take one by small camera.

日本から来ている4人のカメラマン(+マネージャーさん)とゴハン。こういうケース、何を食べれば皆が喜ぶか悩む。ファッション系? 安めに? 面白系?

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