一期一会 Mr. Yony - Takeopiv

一期一会 Mr. Yony


These last three days, I had dinner with Mr.Y who came from Japan.
There was a contest called Station ID contest by MTV Japan 12 years ago.
On the occasion, Mr. Y ,who worked for MTV at that time, was the person who gave me an awards for a work I made in the interval.
The work was not really MTV type, but he dared to put it forward.
Actually I did not know the truth until now.
At the time, I was still an amateurish artist and the work gave me a great chance.
So Mr.Y could be some kind of lifesaver to me!!
Three days passed while I was enjoying his talk.
I felt bit lonely after he left to Japan.
But this reunion made me think to treasure the meeting with people.
At the same time, I have two competition to achieve then I have no time to be so sentimental!!

12年前に、MTV Japan主催のStation IDコンテストというものがありました。その折、仕事の合間に制作した小作に賞をくれたのが、当時MTVにいた彼でありました。
当時ホントにペーペーだった私にチャンスを与えてくれたのも、その作品でした。 改めて考えると恩人とも言うべき方ですね。
いろいろお話すべき事もありましたが、お話上手の彼のテンポに相変わらず乗せられて、楽しい3日も過ぎました。 何となくポツンと寂しい気持ちもありますが、 これからも、人との出会いを大事にしようと想うた再会でありました。

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