親孝行 - Takeopiv


彼から、めでたく日本への就職が決まったとの報告。 それも某宝飾品メーカーに! これまで、「映画監督になりたい~」 という考えでピヴォで見習いをしてきましたが、、、 将来の事などを考えた末の決断だそうで、「親を安心させたいんですよ~」という言葉がとても印象的で、目頭が熱くなる思いでした。。。

“I would like to talk to you about something….” I got a phone call from a trainee Mr.C.
On Saturday afternoon, we talked at my atelier when there were no one.
He announced to me that he had gotten a job in Japan! Moreover, his employment ahead is well-known jewelry shop.
He started training in this company by the intention of becoming a movie director.
But this is the decision after considering about his future.
“I want to relieve my parents.” he said. That phrase impressed me so much that I felt moved to tears.
Well, I have not been thoughtful about my parents.
A goal!
I want Le pivot to be a company that makes parents happy!!


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 親不孝…グサリ と来ました。脛齧りしかしていませんから。

そうね~ お互いがんばりませう。

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