Soda Soda Soda ソーダソーダソーダ - Takeopiv

Soda Soda Soda ソーダソーダソーダ

Paris, already came winter rather than autumn. But Here is NY, Lingering summer heat is severe. So I drunk too much soda. Especially JARRITOS made in Mexico was good taste that is really a taste of the chemical additive 100%. It blows off the heat. Caution! The thinking ability decreases… Drinks from Scorching country are tasty. Sanpellegrino Limonata(Lemonade) from Italy was delicious in a delicate and smooth taste.
I tested McDonald’s Cheese burger. Hometown taste is delicious. The end of the trip, Continental Air give us(Many french people on the board) Failure work of croissant… If The last taste of commemoration is this, they would rather not put it out.

暑い国の飲み物は美味しい~。 イタリア産のサンペルグリノのレモネード(写真上中)は初めて飲んだが、これはさすがのイタリーな繊細な味。パリにないな~
マクドナルドは試しにチーズバーガーを食べましたが、本場は美味しいわ。 ただ、最後の最後にコンチネンタル航空が朝食のつもりで出したへしゃげたクロワッサンもどきは、出さない方がマシの一品でありました。

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