Celebrate the ACC Award Noramoji in Tohoku祝受賞 ACC のらもじ in 東北 - Takeopiv

Celebrate the ACC Award Noramoji in Tohoku祝受賞 ACC のらもじ in 東北

Our latest project “Nora-moji in Tohoku” was awarded in ACC CM FESTIVAL in Japan.

I’m very happy ^_^

Yahoo! JAPAN and NORAMOJI started a new project together that support local shops of Ishinomaki, a town in northern in Japan. We can find a lot of font in old towns. Those may not be so sophisticated but has unique charm. In this project, we named such characters “NORAMOJI” and Find > Analyze > Reproduce them. You can get the NORAMOJI fonts and unique products designed with the fonts. Let’s find a charm of NORAMOJI in Ishinomaki.

The first step, This project was personal small life’s work of Mr. Shimohama in Dentsu.
He was rolling a lot of people and companies as Yahoo! Japan… me also ^_^.
It was very nice project !
The one of idea and Action of a person, This is an example that we can change society by the force of our design.
I also was impressed to be the first to start a design life’s work !

Link : Noramoji
Link : Noramoji in Tohoku
Link : Fukko Department / Yahoo! Japannoramoji-tohoku
この春に参加させていただいたプロジェクト「のらもじ in 東北」( https://noramoji-tohoku.jp/ )が、ACC CM FESTIVALのインタラクティブ部門にてブロンズを受賞しました!!!

とても嬉しいです ^_^


今回は、そのライフワークを東北のチャリティー「のらもじ in 東北」と題して、Yahoo! Japanさんの復興デパートメントにてオープンフォントを使用したプロダクトを販売し収益還元化に成功しています。


Link : Noramoji
Link : Noramoji in Tohoku
Link : Fukko Department / Yahoo! Japan

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