Crème Brurée Macchiato クレームブリュレマキアート - Takeopiv

Crème Brurée Macchiato クレームブリュレマキアート

I’m very sleepy in Monday morning…Zzz.
Because I woke up at 5 am and run 6km with My friend K from Japan…
He sometimes run 10 to 20km and put his running records on Facebook by Nile+ GPS App. I had invited with

“If you came in Paris, Run with me !” freely as “Like button :)”.
We ran from Louvre Museum to Torocadero(Near the Effeil tour) and moring glow was nice :) It was wonderful experience !

And, I was first client at Starbuks Coffee(7:30). I occupied this gorgeous Starbuks near the Opera. I ate a sundwitch and sweet denish because of hungry:) Thanks K.
Photo right is Pop of Crème Brurée Macchiato of autumn special. Can you see it as Yaki-imo(Japanese Sweet potato)?

友人のK監督が日本から来られていたので、ご一緒しました。彼は普段から10〜20kmを走るランナーで、毎回の記録をFacebookにNile+ GPSを使って書き込んでいます。今回も海外ローミングしながらGPS使ってましたw





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