Germany Colorful Xylophone - Takeopiv

Germany Colorful Xylophone

I looking for many presents for kids of our friends. My old boss has new grandchild :) Baby boom !
I also looked for something lovely for my daughter.
Les petits bla-blas is a shop for kid near here. Tasteful clothes are made by the owner herself. She select many Vintage toys as “Fisher-Price” and import many toys from another European country or around of asia.
I love her lovery world. Some dress of my daughter were designed by her.
Germany colorful xylophone is played by color. Color music score is includ it. Kid play as red, red, bleu,,, white, red, red, black, red…. I bought it for my daughter of cource, want to listen her coloful music :)

Les petits bla-blas(小さなおしゃべり) は近所にある子供用品の店。可愛らしい洋服はオーナーの女性がデザインをしている。彼女はビンテージの玩具をコレクションして、ヨーロッパの他の国やアジア地域から珍しい玩具を輸入している。小さいお店だけれどもアイデアで満載だ。娘が着ているワンピースの何着かは彼女のものだ。

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