Happy Birthday Apple 1.24.14 Video Shot Across 15 locations in 1 day using only iPhone5sApple 1.24.14 誕生日おめでとうマック - Takeopiv

Happy Birthday Apple 1.24.14 Video Shot Across 15 locations in 1 day using only iPhone5sApple 1.24.14 誕生日おめでとうマック

Apple Computer
To commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Macintosh, Apple spent January 24 shooting a short film simply called “1.24.14.”

The film was shot using only iPhone 5s phones, with crews working in 15 locations spread around five continents. The piece was remotely directed by Ridley Scott’s son, Jake Scott, from Los Angeles, where footage was beamed in from all the other locations.

When the dust had settled, the team had 70 hours of footage to comb through that had been shot on 100 iPhones. The piece was edited by a team of 21 editors led by Angus Wall. And believe it or believe it, Apple gear – laptops, desktops and tablets – was used to cut the film together.

I was moved to the human imagination from a minute 24 seconds 14 frames ! Happy Birthday Mac !!!


“1.24.14” Behind the Scenes
Apple Computer
マッキントッシュの30周年を記念して、Apple Computerはショートフィルム”1.24.14″ を発表した。

フッテージはすべてがネットワークで、ロサンゼルスへ送られ、ジェイク·スコット監督(リドリー·スコット監督の息子さん) によりリモートディレクションされた。

100台のiPhoneが撮影に使用され、フーテージは70時間を超えていたそうです。 21の編集チームがもちろんMacのノート、デスクトップ、タブレットを用いて編集をした。

人間の想像力に感動した、1分24秒14フレームでした! 誕生日おめでとうマック!!!


“1.24.14” Behind the Scenes


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