6min40sec. 明日に向かって喋れ!  - Takeopiv

6min40sec. 明日に向かって喋れ! 

A bag
I just asked to that hold and cooperation to PSST!3 screening with Pecha Kucha Paris…
(Pecha Kucha is the sound of Japanese conversation. Designers or Artists show or speak to their works of 20 images by 20 seconds totally 6min40sec.) It is a serious event.
But now I need speak as one of the speaker… Thanks :)
I need a speaking lesson in week-end.

下の表のように、ペチャクチャの講演者の一人になりましたので、喋ります。 フランス人って本当に話すの上手いんですよね~。何の準備もしないのに、、、頭よさそうに見えるしね~。

Speaker list is here
01. Germain Bourré
02. Le toucher minuscule
03. Laps
04. Marc Da Cunha Lopes
06. Roland Cahen
07. Jean-Jacques Birgé
08. Stéphane Bureaux
09. Via Sonora
10. By Volta
11. Etienne Mineur
12. Takeo Hatai

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