Cup Cake Requiem - Takeopiv

Cup Cake Requiem

Cup CakeCup CakeCup Cake
Maybe… My friend Hugo love them. So I just put for him. Uwwwn.


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体に悪そうな色ですね~。 青はなかなか自然から摂りにくいんでしょうね。 でも、かなり美味しいんですよ。

thank you, they look nice.
In fact Sarah love them more than me, she had even tried to make some homemade. mmm :)

Hello Takeo.
Hugo is wrong. I didn’t ‘try’ to bake cupcakes, I DID it for real.
And Hugo said they were the best cupcakes ever.
I dond’t really love cupcakes. In fact it’s just pound-cake or sponge cake recipe with a frosting on the top.
The frosting seems to be the thing that make it taste good, but I’m sure you can improve the recipe of the cake to make it taste really great. But I like the fact that it is individual cakes.
We tried the Magnolia Bakery in NYC about a year ago, and as Hugo said ‘Cupcakes and co’ in Paris.
We walk past Berko a few weeks ago, but the cupcakes were so tiny comparing their price… And some people who ate on the terrace left half of a cupcake in their plate, so I thought it didn’t taste so good…
Berko seems not to serve only cupcakes but also pies and other pastries.
Well… when I’ll have a real and big oven, I’ll do a batch of cupcakes and we’ll call you ;)

Hi Sarah !
Hahaha, You are maniac fo Cup Cake !!! :)
I ate a cheese cake at Berko.
It was not bat.
Maybe Marais peoples are in diet !
I wish you will get big oven and sweet one.

今頃これにコメントしてごめんね。 これRambutou のお店ですよね?ここのお店で何度も「買おう」って思いながら商品を選んで「うーんやっぱり身体に悪そうだ」っておもって辞めちゃうんだな。
で、その分別くささに「あぁやだ」って自分で思っちゃうんだけど、ここ最近「ジャンクフード」結構避けてるんだ。 この保守的健康管理、、年だよねぇ。

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