Virtual Office Assistantバーチャル 秘書 - Takeopiv

Virtual Office Assistantバーチャル 秘書

I have making many web sites for clients. I can now set up a WordPres with eyes closed ;)
It’s exaggerated, but many hosting companies can be installed an automatic.
Major plug-ins, as SEO, Anti-spam, Google Sitemap, Social media links etc. are also installed by default.
We got to the era of very easy !

There is no budget to business account or secretary. Instead, I have using many applications or Internet technologies, and social networks for finding new customer or developement my business.

When I set up a web site for my client, I have provided services “Virtual Office Assistant”.
I make a new virtual account on the Facebook or Twitter. and He (or She)He a prospects on the Social network and directed to the site.

In the new case, A client ordered a blond girl to me ;)
Recently, I have enjoyed every day feminine !

というのは大げさですが、最近のホスティング会社には、WordPressの自動インストールが付いているので簡単です。主要なプラグイン、例えば、SEO、アンチスパム、グーグルサイトマップ、ソーシャルメディア etc.はデフォルトセットされているケースもあります。




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